A big update has come to Weekly that changes how the app handles transactions.  With this update you will have the ability edit transactions in past weeks, search for transactions and manually add transactions to recurring items.  See below for descriptions and quick demos of these features.

Recent transaction search

You can now search for recent transactions directly from the global search page. Simply swipe down on the dashboard and type in the transaction name or amount.

Search results include transactions from the past month. You can also go to any previous week, then swipe down and the search results will include transactions for that week.

Add a manual transaction to a recurring budget item

We’ve redesigned the add transaction screen to allow creating recurring transactions manually. You can create a recurring transaction from the dashboard or from a recurring item directly.

Editing transactions for previous weeks

You can now edit transactions from previous weeks. If you edit a Safe-to-Spend or fund transaction, the corresponding balance will be recalculated.

Inline editing bank transactions

To edit the title, amount, or date of a bank transaction, simply tap the label and make your changes. You can reset your changes by tapping the three dots and selecting “Reset to original”

Transaction weeks

Previously Weekly would put Safe-to-Spend transactions in the week they were confirmed in. So if you started your week on Sunday but then had a transaction sync from the day before (Saturday), it would be added to the new week.

This update changes this to always use the transaction date regardless of when it was confirmed. This change may cause some transactions to be moved to a different week and Safe-to-Spend balances may have changed slightly. This is a one-time adjustment to bring transaction dates into alignment with week dates. We believe this will provide a intuitive experience moving forward.

Important Note

If you are using the same Weekly account across multiple devices, you will need to update both devices with the latest version of Weekly for the app to work as expected.


In addition to these new transaction features, this new release also positions Weekly for new features in the future such as new reporting on how your Safe-to-Spend has been spent historically in addition to supporting splitting transactions.

We hope you enjoy the new features and if you have any questions or concerns you can reach out to [email protected].