We’re excited to announce the latest update for Weekly!
Cash Forecast Report with Notifications
Our new cash forecast report is now out of BETA! The Cash Forecast Reports allows you to predict your future cash flow based on your spending habits and upcoming transactions.

We made several improvements to the Cash Forecast Report to provide more accurate forecasted data. We now include estimated daily fund spending (based on your fund contributions). We’ve also changed the expected Safe-to-Spend spending for the rest of the current week to be based on your current Safe-to-Spend. Previously Weekly just used your Weekly Spending Limit to get an average daily spend.
We also fixed a few bugs relative to upcoming bills and have a warning about any recurring items that don’t have a next transaction date.
Secondly, we added notifications to the bottom of the report. The three types of notifications are.
- Review new transactions – if you have unreviewed transactions you will see an alert at the bottom of the report
- Missing transaction date – The cash forecast report uses your bill dates to deduct money from your cash. If you are missing dates for bill transactions the cash forecast report will tell you. You can tap the notification to bulk update transactions dates (see below)
- Time to Start A New Week – When its time to start a new week, you will see an alert here. (Not pictured)

For more details on how the Cash Forecast Report works, check out our upgraded helpfile.
Edit Next Transaction Dates in Bulk
We also included a new screen to bulk edit your next transaction dates. From the Cash Forecast Report you can tap on the “Missing transaction date” notification and it will bring you to the bulk edit screen.

Renamed Tabs
We renamed tabs on the Money page in preparation for a new Savings feature. (Reach out if you’re interested in seeing it while in beta).
We hope you enjoy Weekly’s Cash Forecast Report.
Happy budgeting!