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Build Your Budget
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Organize Your Bills
Save For Your Goals
Couples Budgeting
A Mint Alternative
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A Weekly Budget Template
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App Fundamentals
How do I auto-build my budget?
How is my weekly spending limit calculated?
What day should I start my week on?
What is a committed expense vs. a day-to-day expense?
How do I handle variable income in Weekly?
Does this app work if I’m not paid weekly?
How does rollover work?
What if my Weekly Spending Limit seems wrong?
What is considered regular income?
Why doesn't my Safe-to-Spend match my checking account balance?
View all 13 articles
Banks and Syncing
What do I do if my bank isn’t syncing?
How does on demand syncing work?
What to do if my bank account won’t link?
How do I connect my bank accounts to Weekly?
How do I see my sync history?
What banks are supported?
How often does Weekly download new bank transactions?
I can’t I find my financial institution. What do I do now?
What financial institutions should I link to Weekly?
Why do I need to re-authenticate with my financial institution?
View all 10 articles
How do I pay off a credit card in Weekly?
Can I add transactions manually even with a linked bank account?
What if a recurring expense changes?
Why is a transaction deleted?
Can I can change the date of bank transactions?
How do I review bank transactions?
How do I add a note to a transaction?
Can I schedule a transaction for the future?
How do I add transactions into Weekly?
Can I add transactions manually even with a linked bank account?
View all 11 articles
How do I delete my account?
How much does Weekly cost?
Is Weekly available on Android or desktop?
How do I share Weekly with a partner?
How does Weekly handle information security?
How do I reset my password?
How do I turn push notifications on or off?
View all 7 articles
Savings and Funds
Why is my Available Cash negative?
What is Available Cash?
What is Savings?
How can I increase my Available Cash?
What is the difference between Funds and Savings?
Why is my Available Cash low?
How can I make my savings positive?
How do negative Fund balances affect my Savings?
How do funds work?
What are locked and archived funds?
View all 14 articles
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