Add a Budget Item

A budget item is a recurring expense or is regular income. Adding a new item to your budget can be done from the budget overview screen by tapping the (+) button. There you will see a screen that allows you to add a new item.

Guide to Adding New Items

1 – Description

This is the description of the income or expense. Think “Rent”, “Mortgage” or “Hulu” or in the case of an income item maybe “My main job”.

2 – Emoji

If you’d like, pick a fun emoji for this budget item.

3 – Amount

This is the amount of the budget item. So if you are paying $39.99 for car insurance a month, this is where you add the $39.99. If you are adding a paycheck, we recommend adding the total paycheck value after taxes.

4 – Choose “Income” or “Expense”

Is this money coming in or money going out?

5 – Interval

How often does this expense or income happen? Does it happen every month? Bi-weekly? Every quarter? Choose the interval for this budget item.

6 – Category

Choose a category for this item. Categories include

  • Bills & utilities
  • Donations
  • Education
  • Health – Beauty – Fitness
  • Housing
  • Income
  • Kids
  • Loan Payments

7 – Next Transaction Date (optional)

If you like, you can add the date of the next transaction for this budget item. So if you rent or mortgage is due by 6th every month, you can add in the next transaction date at the 6th of the next month. The next transaction date is used a couple of ways. First, we use it to show which bills are coming due in the “Upcoming Items” report and it also helps map this budget items to transactions when they are downloaded from your bank.

If you don’t know the next transaction date, don’t worry, we actually set it for after we download your first transaction.

Relaunching Onboarding Sequence

When you first create your Weekly account, we guide you through an onboarding that gives you prompts for common budget items. You can add new budget items at any time using the app functionality described above but if you prefer to use the step-by-step flow of the onboarding process, you can also through the onboarding flow again and add budget items that way. You do this by tapping main menu in the top left, then tapping “Settings” and “Review budget items”.