How do I share Weekly with a partner?

Weekly is a great way to get in sync with a partner or spouse.  There is no extra charge to share your account with someone else. Weekly is built with real-time data which will immediately sync any changes immediately across all your devices.

How you share Weekly will depend on how you signed up for your account. You can see what authentication method you used on the Profile page.

If you signed up with your email address, simply share that email address and password with your partner.

If you signed up with social logins (Google, Facebook and Apple) you can add an email address/password login to your account and share those credentials with your partner.  Here’s how:

  1. Sign in with your social login (Google, Facebook or Apple)  
  2. Go to your Profile page and then hit “Add Email Login”.  From there you can add an email and password.  Tap “Add password login”. 
  3. A success message will be displayed. Clicking “Done” shows the Profile page, the email icon next to the original social icon.
  4. You can login using the new email/password combination.  Send this login to your partner.

See a demo of how to setup Weekly to share with a partner.