Funds are a flexible way to save and track money for a specific purpose. You can think of funds as buckets that you can save to and spend from. They’re useful for building savings for fun things like vacation and birthdays. Or not so fun things like medical bills and car maintenance. You can use funds to manage discretionary spending between partners, or even track your child’s allowance. Funds are flexible!
Creating Funds
You can create a new fund from the Funds page on the Money tab. When creating a fund you can set a name, an emoji and background color, a contribution amount, and a starting balance.

If you set a contribution amount to your fund, Weekly will automatically increase the fund balance each week. Contributing to a fund reduces the amount of money available in your Weekly Spending Limit as shown on the Budget tab. Each week a new transaction will be added to funds with a contribution amount.

Spending from funds
In addition to contributing to your funds you can also spend directly out of funds. When reviewing bank transactions simply select the “Funds” option and select the fund to spend from.
Read more about how to spend from funds.

Seeing all funds
You can keep up-to-date on all the funds in your account on the funds overview screen.
Read more about funds overview screen.

Locking and Archiving Funds
You can lock a fund when you want to keep it active but don’t want to see it in your funds list. This can be useful for seasonal funds like Christmas or birthdays. Locked funds still receive weekly contributions. They are hidden from the list of funds when reviewing bank transactions but you can show them by tapping “Show locked funds”.
Locked funds can be shown by tapping Filter & sort and selecting Show locked. You can archive a fund when you’re done with it. This will stop the weekly contributions and the fund will not be visible unless you select Show archived from the Filter & sort options.
Read more about about locking and archiving funds.