Your Available Cash is the lowest forecasted net cash over the next 35 days. Your net cash is your checking plus savings accounts minus any credit card debt. We forecast that number over 35 days using your expected daily spending, your income, and your bills.
If your Available Cash is negative it means that during the next 35 days your net cash is forecasted to go below zero. In this case you may not have enough to pay off your credit cards in full and also cover all your bills. There are a few things you can do to make sure this number is accurate and to help prevent going negative.
- Make sure you have all your checking and savings accounts linked
- Check for any recurring items missing a next transactions date (Weekly will provide a warning under the Cash Forecast report and the Savings card)
- If these numbers are accurate you may need to increase your savings to reduce the amount you spend each day.
- If you’re carrying credit card debt you may have a negative Available Cash even if you still have money in your checking account. Please see this article about paying off credit card debt using Weekly.