Many budgeting apps automatically update your budget with new transactions from your bank. This can make it difficult to understand why your budget has changed and what new transactions came in since the last time you looked at your budget.
Weekly takes a different approach to support mindfulness and accuracy. Each time Weekly syncs new bank transactions you’ll receive a notification to review them. You’ll see a list of all the new transactions on the review page and be able to mark them as safe-to-spend, recurring, or ignore.
Transactions for day-to-day spending like groceries, gas, and entertainment should be marked as Safe-to-Spend. You may also have irregular income like birthday money from grandma that you’ll want to put here as well.
When you mark a transaction as Safe-to-Spend your Safe-to-Spend amount will be updated and you will see the transaction listed on the Dashboard under “transactions”.
Bank transactions can be added directly to a fund. Select “Fund” and then select the fund you want to put the transaction in. (Locked funds don’t appear in this list.)
If you’ve manually created any transactions in the fund, you’ll have the option to match the bank transaction with it, or your can create a new transaction.
Transactions for your regular income or recurring expenses should be marked as recurring. When a transaction is marked as recurring it does not update your Safe-to-Spend since it’s already been accounted for in your weekly spending limit calculation.
If a recurring transaction matches the amount for an existing recurring expense or regular income, you’ll see a suggestion button you can tap to quickly select that recurring item. If the transaction does not match the amount of your recurring item, simply select “Recurring” then tap on the recurring item the transaction is for. Weekly will give you the option to update your recurring item to keep your weekly spending limit up to date.
Transactions for credit card payments or internal account transfers don’t affect your spending and can safely be ignored. You may also want to ignore other transactions like one-off income that you simply want to save in your bank account.